Jianping Shi, Yanping Ji, Zimin Li, et al. Research progress of nonlinear optical effect in all-dielectric photonic crystals[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(3): 297-312. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.03.004
Citation: Jianping Shi, Yanping Ji, Zimin Li, et al. Research progress of nonlinear optical effect in all-dielectric photonic crystals[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(3): 297-312. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.03.004

Research progress of nonlinear optical effect in all-dielectric photonic crystals

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  • How to excite the nonlinear optical effect in the case of low threshold (mW or pJ order) and small scale (μm or less) is a topic field of optical research in recent years. The most direct application requirement is photonic integrated circuit, which is the foundation to realize the ultra-high speed and large capacity information network in the future. Photonic crystals (PCs) have the photonic band gap (PBG) just like the semiconductor band for electronics, so it is known as "photonic semiconductors". PCs provide a novel and practical means of manipulating photons, therefore the possibility of photonic integrated circuit with low threshold arises. More and more nonlinear effects have been found in PCs, such as photonic crystal slow light, the band gap soliton, electromagnetic induction transparency, second harmonic generation and optical bistability. This paper will focus on the summaries of some major achievements and advances about PCs that would promote the nonlinear photonic integrated devices. Certainly the related applications will be introduced and the future outlook of the nonlinear PCs will be discussed.
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  • Abstract:Photonic integrated circuit (or chip) is the foundation of the ultra-high speed and large capacity information network in the future. This leads to a hot point of optical research in recent years that is how to excite the nonlinear optical effect in the case of low threshold (mW or pJ order) and small scale (μm or less). As is known to all, the nonlinear optical effect is too weak to be excited under normal conditions. That is why the nonlinear optics failed to develop before the appearance of laser. In other words, how to excite the nonlinear optical effect in the case of low threshold and small scale is difficult. In recent years, researchers found that the nonlinear optical effect could be greatly enhanced in the photonic crystals (PCs) which are expected to solve this problem.

    PC is a artificial periodic nanostructure composed of periodic dielectric. The most typical feature of PC is photonic band gap (PBG). Photons either propagate through this structure or not, depending on their wavelengths in or out of the PBG. The motion of photons in PCs is much the same way as that ionic lattices affect electrons in solids. So PC is also known as “semiconductor crystal for photons”. Thanks to the PBG, the nonlinear optical effects in PCs are more abundant and outstanding. For instance, the nanocavity based on the PCs can get the extremely high Q-factor leading to the low threshold and efficient nonlinear optical effect. Again, at the edge of PBG, the electromagnetic field is violently modulated leading to the huge electric field gradient that creates the conditions for high-order nonlinear effect. Additionally, the periodic optical nanostructure of PCs provides the favorable term for nonlinear enhancement,such as the quasi phase matching that is necessary for second harmonic generation. Moreover, the electromagnetic field resonance and coupling among the discrete components of PCs, nano-waveguide and nano-cavity etc. can be used as the powerful methods to custom-tailor the nonlinear optical effect.

    More and more nonlinear effects have been found in PCs, such as photonic crystal slow light, the band gap soliton, electromagnetic induction transparency, second harmonic generation, and optical bistability. This paper focuses on the summaries of some major achievements and advances about PCs that would promote the nonlinear photonic integrated devices. Certainly, the related applications are introduced and the future outlook of the nonlinear PCs is discussed.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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