Zhang Y J, Gao H C, Zhang L T, et al. Embedded gold-plated fiber Bragg grating temperature and stress sensors encapsulated in capillary copper tube[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(3): 200195. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200195
Citation: Zhang Y J, Gao H C, Zhang L T, et al. Embedded gold-plated fiber Bragg grating temperature and stress sensors encapsulated in capillary copper tube[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(3): 200195. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.200195

Embedded gold-plated fiber Bragg grating temperature and stress sensors encapsulated in capillary copper tube

    Fund Project: Innovative Demonstration Project of Multifunctional Offshore Wind Power Installation Platform of State Oceanic Administration, National Natural Science Foundation (A030802), and Yanshan University Basic Research Special Topic Cultivation Project (16LGY017)
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  • In order to realize the non-destructive and real-time dynamic stress monitoring method of the construction machinery surface in complex and harsh environments, a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) stress sensor packaging method based on magnetron sputtering technology is proposed. Two packaging methods of complete embedding (the capillary copper tube embedded in the entire grating area) and two sides embedding (capillary copper tube nested at both ends of the grating area) are studied. The sensitization effect of the sensor is analyzed from the perspective of theory and finite element, and the results are consistent. The physical sensors are made, and temperature, stress, and comparison experiments are carried out. Simulation and experiment show that the FBG sensor improves the sensitivity by about 7.5% under this model. The temperature experiment shows that the temperature feedback correlation coefficient R2 of the second package structure reaches 0.99948, which shows good linearity in the range of 30 ℃~80 ℃; the stress experiment correlation coefficient R2 also reaches 0.99924, and the sensitivity is 6.14 pm/MPa. The accuracy of demodulation system reaches 0.05 MPa, it can demodulate stress quickly and accurately. Comparative experiments show that the monitoring system composed of grating demodulator has higher accuracy than the monitoring system composed of strain gauges, and maximum deviation value smaller 59.8%. The packaging structure of metallization method of embedded capillary copper tube combined with organic glue fixed is simple, high sensitivity, and precision, can meet the needs of large-scale construction machinery surface non-destructive real-time health monitoring.
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  • Overview: As a new type of optical measuring element, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) has many advantages, such as small size, anti-electromagnetic interference, simple structure and easy replacement. The traditional electromagnetic sensor has many disadvantages, such as large volume, complex installation, easy corrosion and so on. A good packaging method can not only effectively protect the grating from external damage, but also increase the sensitivity of the sensor in a certain range. The monitoring environment of large-scale construction machinery is generally very harsh. In order to realize the non-destructive and real-time dynamic stress monitoring of large-scale construction machinery surface, a new packaging method of fiber Bragg grating sensor is proposed by using magnetron sputtering technology combined with organic adhesive fixation. The grating metallization package can increase the mechanical strength and sensitivity by covering the grating area with a thin metal coating. The sensor uses capillary copper tube as embedded material, copper powder is filled in the capillary copper tube to assist in fixing the grating, and laser welding technology is used to package the nozzle. Two encapsulation methods are proposed in this paper, one is full nesting (copper capillary tubes are nested in the whole grid area), the other is to nest capillary copper tubes at both ends of the grid region. This paper compares the sensitization effect of the sensor from the perspective of theoretical analysis and finite element simulation, and the results are consistent. When the bending stress is measured, the structure of the sensor can improve the sensitivity, which is related to the diameter of the capillary copper tube. Simulation, temperature, stress and contrast tests were carried out. The simulation results show that the sensitivity of FBG sensor can be improved by 7.5%. Temperature experiments show that the temperature feedback correlation coefficient of the second packaging structure reaches 0.99948, showing good linearity in the range of 30 ℃~80 ℃. The correlation coefficient R2 of the stress experiment is 0.99924, and the sensitivity is 6.14 pm/Mpa. The accuracy of the demodulation system is 0.5×10-1 MPa, which can demodulate the stress quickly and accurately. The contrast experiment shows that the grating monitoring system has higher accuracy than the strain gauge monitoring system, and the maximum deviation is reduced by 59.8%. The metallization method of nested copper capillary tube combined with organic glue fixation has the advantages of simple structure, high sensitivity and precision, which can meet the needs of large-scale construction machinery surface non-destructive real-time health monitoring.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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