Hong Guanglie, Zhang Huaping, Liu Hao, et al. Review of measurement for atmospheric CO2 differential absorption lidar[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(1): 170452. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170452
Citation: Hong Guanglie, Zhang Huaping, Liu Hao, et al. Review of measurement for atmospheric CO2 differential absorption lidar[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(1): 170452. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170452

Review of measurement for atmospheric CO2 differential absorption lidar

    Fund Project: Supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFB0504000)
More Information
  • Differential absorption lidar is an indispensable tool to measure atmospheric CO2 for temporal and spatial distribution. The 2.0 μm wavelength Ho:Tm:YLF/Ho:Tm:LuLiF lidar were used for remote sensing atmospheric CO2 with heterodyne receiver. The KTP parametric oscillator was injected into the seeds, and a differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system of 1.6 μm by using the photon counting technique to profile the atmospheric CO2 in the troposphere under 7 km. Modulation continuous wave seed laser intensity and the integral path differential absorption lidar, common 1.6 μm optical fiber amplifier, and the use of correlation detection technique, have unique advantages and characteristics in the detection of atmospheric CO2 column concentrations. The space program for detecting atmospheric CO2 column concentrations is NASA's ASENDS (active sensing of CO2 emission over nights, days, and seasons) mission which adopts the method of pulse and integral path differential absorption. The absorption of CO2 gas cell as a reference to stabilize seed light frequency and the precise control of cavity length lock the on-line wavelength of transmitter, is the key technique for DIAL to measure atmospheric CO2.
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  • Overview: Accurate measurements of tropospheric CO2 mixing ratios are needed to study CO2 emissions and CO2 exchange with the land and oceans. 1.6 μm transmitter is based on an injection-seeded KTP optical parametric oscillator. Accurate control of the OPO cavity length ensures powerful single-mode narrow-band pulsed signal radiation out. Combined PMT photon counting technique, this DIAL can profile CO2 through the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and into the free troposphere. A double-pulse 2.05 μm high-energy Ho:Tm:YLF laser, tuned to on- and off-line CO2 absorption wavelengths, has been developed. Transmitter operation and performance have been verified on ground and airborne platform. This instrument has the potential to enhance both spatial and temporal resolution for CO2 global measurement during day and night. The IPDA lidar relies on the measurement of the laser echoes reflected by hard targets as the ground or the top of the vegetation to measure atmospheric CO2 column concentration. The system can take advantage of a less power demanding semiconductor laser in intensity modulated continuous wave operation, benefiting from a better efficiency, reliability and radiation hardness. Such a time-gated technique is a promising way to overcome the sources of systematic errors inherent to passive missions. Coherent detection instruments are generally limited by speckle noise, while direct detection instruments suffer from high detector noise using current technology. The ASCENDS mission will be the first laser spectroscopy from space with the objective to profile CO2 column integrals for climate emissions. The approach uses two tunable pulsed laser transmitters allowing simultaneous measurement of the absorption from a CO2 absorption line in the 1572 nm band, O2 absorption in the oxygen A-band, and surface height and atmospheric backscatter in the same path. To scale for space, It is needed to increase the energy per pulse in each of these wavelengths (1.53 μm and 1.57 μm) to appropriate levels. These are for a 500 km orbit, a 1.5 m diameter telescope and a 10 second integration time, which allows a 70 km along track integration in low earth orbit. HgCdTe APD detector photon counting technique and Si APD photon counting technique will be developed. The on-channel MOPA will be locked to the selected CO2 absorption line using a multi pass CO2 reference cell and a feedback loop based on the Pound-Drver-Hall detector used to generate a low noise error signal, or the lock-in regulator accomplishing top-of-fringe frequency stabilization laser frequency locking equipment. A second feedback loop will be used to stabilize the beat note of the on- and off- channel signal at a fixed 10 GHz offset.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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