Wang Zhenglai, Huang Min, Zhu Qibing, et al. The optical flow detection method of moving target using deep convolution neural network[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(8): 180027. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180027
Citation: Wang Zhenglai, Huang Min, Zhu Qibing, et al. The optical flow detection method of moving target using deep convolution neural network[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(8): 180027. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180027

The optical flow detection method of moving target using deep convolution neural network

    Fund Project: Supported by the Research Innovation Program for College Graduates of Jiangsu Province (SJLX16_0498) and the Prospective Joint Research Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (BY2016022-32)
More Information
  • Moving target detection is an important research direction of object detection, and it plays an important role in target recognition. The accuracy of traditional motion detection methods is low, which are unable to only detect the required moving target. In this study, deep convolutional neural network is introduced into the optical flow detection of moving target. In this method, a pair of images and optical flow fields of target are used as inputs of the network to adaptively study the target optical flow. Furthermore, through optimization of the expanding part of the network and the simplification of the network, and combined with many data augmentation technologies, the optical flow detection network of target object with both accuracy and real-time is designed. Experimental results show that the proposed method has better performance in the optical flow detection of moving target. SS-sp and CS-sp network are improved by about 5.0% compared to the original network on the precision and the runtime of the network is significantly reduced, which meet the requirements of real-time detection.
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  • Overview: Object detection is a hot research direction in the fields of pattern recognition and machine learning. It is used widely in areas such as security, traffic and the Internet. Computer realizes object detection automatically, which can reduce the burden of people in a certain extent. Moving target detection is an important research direction of object detection and plays an important role in target recognition. With the development of deep learning theory, the deep convolutional neural network has made remarkable achievements in the field of object detection by improving the generation strategy of candidate regions and by optimizing the network structure and training methods. Different from the usual definition, moving target detection is turned into focus on the detection of moving target that is needed rather than all of the moving targets. However, conventional convolution neural network cannot extract the dynamic characteristics of object and the accuracy of traditional motion detection methods is low and unable to only detect the required moving target. In this study, deep convolutional neural network is introduced into the optical flow detection of moving target. In this method, a pair of images and optical flow field of target are used as inputs of the network to adaptively study the target optical flow. Furthermore, through optimization of the expanding part of the network and the simplification of the network, and combined with many data augmentation technologies, the optical flow detection network of target object with both accuracy and real time is designed. Visualization technology is also applied to the network, which can directly compare the results with visual image. Experimental results show that the proposed method has better performance in the optical flow detection of moving target. The proposed network in this study retains the advantage of the deep convolutional neural network that only detect the optical flow of required target, which conforms to the practical application of object detection. Additionally, the proposed network achieves better performance in the both accuracy and the real-time of network. S-sp is improved by about 4.9% and 5.3%, respectively, on the AAE and AEE indicators compared to the original network, and SS-sp and CS-sp network are improved by about 5.0% on the AAE indicators compared to the original network. The runtime CS-sp and SS-sp network can be significantly reduced. The runtime of CS-sp network is reduced from about 179 ms to 34 ms and the runtime of the CS-sp network is reduced from 170 ms to 33 ms, which meet the requirements of real-time detection.

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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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