Hou Zhiqiang, Liu Xiaoyi, Yu Wangsheng, et al. Improved algorithm of Faster R-CNN based on double threshold-non-maximum suppression[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(12): 190159. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.190159
Citation: Hou Zhiqiang, Liu Xiaoyi, Yu Wangsheng, et al. Improved algorithm of Faster R-CNN based on double threshold-non-maximum suppression[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(12): 190159. doi: 10.12086/oee.2019.190159

Improved algorithm of Faster R-CNN based on double threshold-non-maximum suppression

    Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61703423, 61473309) and Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications Graduate Innovation Fund (CXJJ2017019)
More Information
  • According to the problems of target missed detection and repeated detection in the object detection algorithm, this paper proposes an improved Faster R-CNN algorithm based on dual threshold-non-maximum suppression. The algorithm first uses the deep convolutional network architecture to extract the multi-layer convolution features of the targets, and then proposes the dual threshold-non-maximum suppression (DT-NMS) algorithm in the RPN(region proposal network). The phase extracts the deep information of the target candidate regions, and finally uses the bilinear interpolation method to improve the nearest neighbor interpolation method in the original RoI pooling layer, so that the algorithm can more accurately locate the target on the detection dataset. The experimental results show that the DT-NMS algorithm effectively balances the relationship between the single-threshold algorithm and the target missed detection problem, and reduces the probability of repeated detection. Compared with the soft-NMS algorithm, the repeated detection rate of the DT-NMS algorithm in PASCAL VOC2007 is reduced by 2.4%, and the target error rate of multiple detection is reduced by 2%. Compared with the Faster R-CNN algorithm, the detection accuracy of this algorithm on the PASCAL VOC2007 is 74.7%, the performance is improved by 1.5%, and the performance on the MSCOCO dataset is improved by 1.4%. At the same time, the algorithm has a fast detection speed, reaching 16 FPS.
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  • Overview: The Faster R-CNN algorithm uses the non-maximum suppression algorithm for proposals filtering. It adopts the idea of “non-one or zero”, leaving only the candidate box with the highest score of the classification targets, which greatly increases the risk that the target will be missed when it is highly overlapping. Therefore, the “weight penalty” strategy is employed by the soft-NMS algorithm to solve this problem, which reduces the target missed detection to a certain extent. However, the test found that the use of the soft-NMS algorithm will greatly increase the number of proposals, resulting in a new problem that the same target is repeatedly detected and multiple detections have mis-targeted the targets, especially when there are multiple targets in the image and the degree of overlap of the targets is high. According to the problems of target missed detection and repeated detection in the object detection algorithm, this paper proposes an improved Faster R-CNN algorithm based on double threshold-non-maximum suppression. The algorithm first uses the VGG-Net-16 deep convolutional network architecture to extract the multi-layer convolution features of the targets, and then proposes the dual threshold-non-maximum suppression (DT-NMS) algorithm in the RPN (region proposal network). The stage extracts the deep information of the target candidate regions, and finally uses the bilinear interpolation method to improve the nearest neighbor interpolation method in the original RoI pooling layer, so that the algorithm can locate the targets more accurately on the detection dataset. In order to highlight the performance of the DT-NMS algorithm on the target repetitive detection problem, this paper first proposed the repeated detection rate and the object mis-distribution rate of multiple detections as the measurement index. By simply setting the threshold in the DT-NMS algorithm, the relationship between the single-threshold algorithm and the target misdetection problem is effectively balanced, and the probability that the same target is detected multiple times is reduced. The improved Faster R-CNN algorithm re-adjusts network training and parameters on the VGG-Net-16 network structure, and a lot of experimental verification on the PASCAL VOC data set has been implemented. The experimental results show that compared with the soft-NMS algorithm, the repeated detection rate of the proposed algorithm in PASCAL VOC2007 is reduced by 2.4%, and the target error rate of multiple detections is reduced by 2%, indicating that the improved algorithm solves the problem of target missed detection and repeated detection in the traditional algorithms. Compared with the Faster R-CNN algorithm, the detection accuracy of this algorithm on the PASCAL VOC2007 is 74.7%, and the performance is improved by 1.5%. At the same time, the algorithm has a fast detection speed, reaching 16 FPS.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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