Yin S Y, Guo H, Yan M, et al. Study on performance test plan of inorganic scintillator[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(6): 210038. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210038
Citation: Yin S Y, Guo H, Yan M, et al. Study on performance test plan of inorganic scintillator[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(6): 210038. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210038

Study on performance test plan of inorganic scintillator

    Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (11675205, 11675196), Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS, and Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (SKLPDE-ZZ-201902)
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  • In order to respond to the scintillator screening requirements of large scientific projects and the new medical imaging equipment such as the development of large-scale collider experimental detectors, space load calorimeters and TOF-PET, our laboratory conducts research on the scintillation performance (emission spectrum, light output, energy resolution, decay time, afterglow, coincidence time resolution, etc.) of scintillators. A complete set of inorganic scintillator performance test programs is designed for the optimal performance of different scintillator samples. In the test of emission spectrum, different excitation sources were selected for comparison test. The energy resolution and the test conditions of the scintillation performance such as time resolution were optimized, which were successfully applied to the performance research of popular scintillators including cerium-doped yttrium lutetium silicate (LYSO: Ce) and gadolinium aluminum gallium garnet (GAGG: Ce), and good test results were obtained. The energy resolution of LYSO: Ce and ceramic GAGG: Ce scintillators are 7.9% and 5.4%, respectively, and the coincidence time resolution of the LYSO: Ce scintillator can reach 94.3 ps.
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  • Overview: Inorganic scintillators have a history of more than sixty years of development in our country. During this period, many scintillators have been successfully developed and put on the market. They have excellent scintillation properties such as high density and high transmittance, as well as stable physical and chemical properties. Coupled with photodetectors, they become one of the core detectors in high-energy physics and nuclear physics experiments. At present, the demand for the physical characteristics of the scintillators has been transformed into high light yield, excellent energy resolution, and fast decay time. Some large-scale scientific projects and new medical imaging equipment, such as the development of large-scale collider experimental detectors, space load calorimeters and TOF-PET require a large number of high-performance scintillators. For this reason, it is urgent to develop and design a complete and convenient scintillator performance test program.

    With the development of the photoelectric field, a new type of fast photodetector with fast time response, strong anti-interference ability, small size and light weight has been developed. It is suitable for the detection of fast and extremely weak signals, and its time resolution can reach on the order of tens of picoseconds. The production of new fast photodetectors has also made the scintillator performance test enter a new stage, and the test accuracy will be significantly improved. As a result, an inorganic scintillator performance test plan for a new type of inorganic scintillator and a fast photodetector came into being.

    LYSO: Ce scintillator has attracted widespread attention due to its high light yield (25000 ph/MeV) and fast luminescence decay time (40 ns). The single crystal GAGG: Ce scintillator has a light yield of 30000 ph/MeV, and has two decay components: fast and slow. According to the difference of the decay time of the output pulse waveform, it is expected that the PSD method can be used to realize particle discrimination.

    The outstanding fluorescence performance advantages of LYSO: Ce scintillator and GAGG: Ce scintillator have set off a research boom. The light output of the LYSO: Ce scintillator is 27029 ph/MeV, the decay time is 40 ns, the energy resolution is 7.9%@662 keV, and the coincidence time resolution can reach 94.3 ps, which were measured by the inorganic scintillator performance test plan. At the same time, the light outputs of ceramic and single crystal GAGG: Ce are 59316 ph/MeV and 31405 ph/MeV, respectively, the energy resolution is 5.4%@662 keV and 7.1%@662 keV, and the decay time of ceramic GAGG: Ce is 182.9 ns. The decay time components of single crystal GAGG: Ce are 50.1 ns and 321.5 ns, respectively.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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