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Overview: The tunable passive mode locked fiber laser has attracted a lot of interest because of its wide field applications, such as biomedical research and fiber optical sensing. The tunable passive mode locked fiber laser incorporate the passive mode locking technique and wavelength-selective devices in the cavity. Recently, the passive mode locked fiber lasers at 1.5 μm with a tuning range over 70 nm are demonstrated, but the pulse energy is low. The long cavity mode locked fiber laser can produce the pulse train with high pulse energy. A mode locked fiber laser with 1536 m cavity length and 10 μJ pulse energy was reported.
In this paper, we present a tunable long-cavity passive mode-locked fiber laser based on reflective nonlinear amplifying loop mirror (NALM). The reflective NALM serves as the mode locker, which is made up of a 50: 50 optical coupler (the measured ratio is 48.6: 51.4), an erbium-doped fiber amplifier, 404 m single mode fiber and two polarization controllers. The net dispersion in the cavity is -8.87 ps2. A manual tunable bandpass filter (TBF) is inserted into the cavity. The tunable range of the TBF is from 1510 nm to1580 nm.
At first, the laser at 1560 nm is investigated in detail. The laser operates in DSR region and generates rectangular pulses with 465 kHz repetition rate. Figure shows the pulse evolution at different pump powers. When the pump power increases from 100 mW to 400 mW at 50 mW interval, the pulse durations are 3.88 ns, 4.64 ns, 6.36 ns, 7.72 ns, 8.76 ns, 9.34 ns and 10.58 ns, respectively. The single-pulse energy is 70.28 nJ when the pump power is 400 mW. The tuning characteristics of the passive mode locked fiber laser is investigated by adjusting TBF's transmission wavelength. When the pump power is 400 mW, the laser can keep stable mode-locking status at the range from 1523.4 nm to 1575 nm. The threshold pump power has a little fluctuation around 80 mW. During the whole tuning range, the SNR of the laser is ~50 dB, which proves that the laser keeps stable mode-locking status during the tuning course. The pulse duration, the output power and single pulse energy have a little fluctuation because that the gain of the EDF changes with the wavelength. The tunable nanosecond pulse fiber laser has a lot of potential applications in many fields.
Experimental device diagram.
Single-wavelength optical spectra of the laser output at different pump powers
Oscilloscope trace pulse in DSR region at the fundamental frequency mode
Single-wavelength mode locking pulse evolution at different pump powers
(Red) average output power and (blue) single-pulse energy at different pump powers
Different single-wavelength optical spectra of the laser output at 400 mW pump power
The corresponding SNR of radio frequency at the pump power of 400 mW
Single-wavelength mode locking pulse evolution at different center wavelength
(Red) average output power and (blue) single-pulse energy at different wavelengths