Ma L, Gou Y T, Lei T, et al. Small object detection based on multi-scale feature fusion using remote sensing images[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(4): 210363. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210363
Citation: Ma L, Gou Y T, Lei T, et al. Small object detection based on multi-scale feature fusion using remote sensing images[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(4): 210363. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210363

Small object detection based on multi-scale feature fusion using remote sensing images

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  • This paper proposes a robust small object detection method based on multi-scale feature fusion using remote sensing images. When the natural image-based pre-training model is directly applied to the remote sensing images, the large number of parameters and excessive down sampling in widely feature extractions may lead to the disappearances of small objects due to feature gaps. Therefore, based on the distribution of all object sizes in the dataset (i.e., prior knowledge), a lightweight feature extraction module is first integrated via dynamic selection mechanism that allows each neuron to adaptively allocate the receptive field size for detection. Meanwhile, the information reflected by various scale features has different amounts and emphasis. To increase the accuracy of image feature expression, the FPN (feature pyramid networks) module based on adaptive feature weighted fusion is applied by using the grouping convolution to group all feature channels without affecting each other. In addition, deep learning needs a large amount of data to drive. Due to the lack of remote sensing small object dataset, we built a remote sensing plane small object dataset, and processed the plane and small-vehicle objects in DOTA dataset to make its distribution of size meet the requirement of small object detection. Experimental results show that compared with most mainstream detection methods, the proposed method achieves better results on DOTA and self-built datasets.
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  • In recent years, with the continuous development of remote sensing optical technology, the acquisition of a large number of high-resolution remote sensing images has promoted the construction of environmental monitoring, animal protection, national defense and military. In numerous remote sensing image visual tasks, remote sensing aircraft detection is of great significance for civil and national defense. Research of the remote sensing small object detection technology is important. Currently, the object detection method based on deep learning has achieved excellent results in large and medium object testing tasks, but the performance and application of remote sensing small object detection are poor. The main reasons are the following: 1) the model is huge, and the real-time is poor; 2) remote sensing image is complicated and the object scale distribution is wide; 3) remote sensing small object detection dataset is extremely lacking.

    To solve the above problems, this paper proposes a robust small object detection method based on multi-scale feature fusion using remote sensing images. The main work as follows. First, as the image will be sampled and convolved for many times after being input into common neural networks (such as ResNet and VGG-16), the features of small objects will be seriously lost and the final detection accuracy will be affected. To this end, according to the distribution of all object sizes in the dataset (i.e., prior knowledge), we propose a lightweight feature extraction module based on dynamic selection mechanism, which allows each neuron to adaptively allocate the receptive field size for detection and control the sampling times based on different scale of the objects. Second, although FPN is widely used to solve the problem of small object undetected, the information reflected by various scale features usually has different amounts and emphasis. Therefore, the FPN module based on adaptive feature weighted fusion is proposed, which uses the method of grouping convolution to group all feature channels without affecting each other, so as to further improve the accuracy of image feature expression. Third, for the issue of lack of remote sensing small object dataset, this paper built a remote sensing small object dataset of plane, and processed the plane and small-vehicle objects in DOTA-1.5 dataset to make its distribution of size meet the requirement of small object detection. Finally, experimental results on DOTA and self-built datasets show that our method posseses the best results compared with mainstream detection methods.

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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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