Citation: | Hu W D, Du X, Liu S Y, et al. Optofluidic refractometric sensor based on quasi-bound states in the continuum in all-dielectric metasurface[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(9): 230124. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230124 |
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The bound state in the continuum (BIC) is a special type of optical resonance state that lies in the continuum spectrum of the radiative state, yet remains perfectly localized due to symmetry protection and other topological protection. Since the BIC is completely uncoupled from spatial light, it is necessary in most applications to convert the symmetry-protected BIC and incidental BIC into a quasi-BIC (qBIC) with a high quality factor (Q-factor) by breaking the symmetry and adjusting the system parameters so that it can be excited by the external optical field and can radiate to the far field. The delocalized qBIC inherits the advantages of strong resonance of surface lattice resonance, low absorption loss, and great field enhancement over a large area outside the high refractive nanostructure. For sensing applications based on qBIC all-dielectric metasurfaces, the key performance parameters-sensing sensitivity and performance figure of merit (FOM)-can be effectively improved by high Q factor and great field enhancement in a large range of the object to be sensed. Therefore, we explored a sensor based on delocalized quasi-bound state in the continuum and designed an optofluidic sensor capable of detecting fluids with different refractive indices on an all-dielectric metasurface, which is encapsulated in an optofluidic chamber that provides a large interaction volume with the substance and can be fed with different liquids, gases, and other specific biomarkers through optofluidic channels for different samples delivery to the chip surface is greatly facilitated. By injecting liquids with different refractive indices into the optofluidic chamber of the dielectric metasurface, the device can be used as an optical refractive index sensor by monitoring the refractive index change caused by different liquids, and the structure has been experimentally achieved with a sensitivity of 452 nm/RIU and a FOM above 376.6, demonstrating a good refractive index sensing performance. The sensing performance of our sensor obtained in the experiment is superior to that of other sensors based on qBIC. The superior sensing performance is attributed to the significant field enhancement on the large volume outside the silicon nanopillar, as well as to the high quality factor. It is worth emphasizing that our sensor scheme offers advantages in material selection (transparency and miniaturization) and large sensing area, which is necessary in many cases in the field of biochemical sensing. The many advantages offered by the optofluidic sensors based on delocalized quasi-bound states in the continuum developed in this paper determine that the sensors we fabricated are very versatile and can operate in different spectral ranges. Moreover, the advantages of the optofluidic sensor designed in this paper can be applied to a variety of applications, such as biochemical reaction monitoring, photocatalysis, and trace molecule detection.
(a) Schematic diagram of optofluidic sensing system; (b) Top view of the array structure
(a) Simulated zero-order transmission spectrum of the metasurface at n=1.450 (inset is the electric field distribution in the two resonance modes); (b) Simulated transmission spectra at different refractive indices
(a) Flowchart for metasurface fabrication of silicon nanostructure arrays; (b) Flowchart of PDMS injection molding process; (c) Physical diagram of optofluidic sensor
(a) Schematic diagram of the experimental test system; (b) Experimental test optical platform
(a) Experimental transmission spectra of different refractive index solutions; (b) Linear fit of resonance wavelength and refractive index variation; (c) Experimental Q and FOM values for EQ-qBIC; (d) Experimental Q and FOM values for MD-qBIC