Wang L F, Hu Y W, Zhang Z G, et al. Rapid manufacturing technology for aspheric optical elements[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(1): 230171. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.230171
Citation: Wang L F, Hu Y W, Zhang Z G, et al. Rapid manufacturing technology for aspheric optical elements[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(1): 230171. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.230171

Rapid manufacturing technology for aspheric optical elements

    Fund Project: Project supported by Jilin Provincial Natural Fund (20220101124JC)
More Information
  • In order to meet the market demand of the optical industry, the rapid manufacturing technology of aspheric optical elements is one of the best solutions to realize low cost, mass production, and high precision production. This paper mainly introduces the rapid manufacturing technology of aspheric optical elements, including precision optical glass molding technology and precision optical plastic injection molding technology, and compares the two technologies with the manufacturing technology of other aspheric optical elements. This paper also expounds on the types of mold materials, mold processing methods, molding materials, molding process, etc. Finally, the development status of rapid manufacturing technology of aspheric optical elements in recent years is summarized, and future development has prospected.
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  • Aspheric optical elements are widely used in various optical systems because they can eliminate spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism, field distortion, and other unfavorable factors. This type of lens can also reduce the loss of light energy and obtain high-quality images and optical properties. With the rapid development of the optical industry, the demand for aspheric optical elements is also increasing. At the same time, the optical components in the system need to ensure high surface accuracy and low optical birefringence to improve the user experience, which puts forward higher requirements and challenges for the manufacturing method of optical components. The traditional manufacturing methods of aspheric optical elements often have problems such as high manufacturing costs, long processing cycles, and difficulty in ensuring manufacturing accuracy, which limits the wide application of aspheric optical elements. In order to overcome these constraints, researchers have conducted in-depth research on the manufacturing technology of aspheric optical components, aiming to achieve efficient, economical, and accurate manufacturing methods. With the development and popularization of computers in recent years, advanced optical manufacturing technology has gradually begun to be applied to the processing of optical components, and is gradually replacing traditional processing techniques such as classical polishing that have been used for decades. It includes ultra-precision cutting technology, ultra-precision grinding technology, ultra-precision polishing technology, precision glass molding technology, and precision injection molding technology. This paper first introduces the advanced optical manufacturing technology of various aspheric optical components and compares them horizontally. Among them, ultra-precision cutting technology, ultra-precision grinding technology, and ultra-precision polishing technology have high precision of machining components. However, due to the high precision of machining components, ultra-precision machining technology usually requires a slower feed rate, so the machining speed is relatively slow, which leads to the increased manufacturing cost of components. In order to meet the market demand, the rapid manufacturing technology of aspheric optical components is one of the best solutions to achieve low-cost, high-volume, and high-precision production. Then we introduce the precision glass molding technology and precision injection molding technology in detail. The two technologies are compared with the manufacturing technology of other aspheric optical components, and the types of mold materials, mold processing methods, molding materials, molding process and so on are described. Finally, the development status of rapid manufacturing technology of aspheric optical elements in recent years is summarized, and the future development is prospected.

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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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