Liang L M, Jin J X, Feng Y, et al. Retinal lesions graded algorithm that integrates coordinate perception and hybrid extraction[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(1): 230276. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.230276
Citation: Liang L M, Jin J X, Feng Y, et al. Retinal lesions graded algorithm that integrates coordinate perception and hybrid extraction[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(1): 230276. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.230276

Retinal lesions graded algorithm that integrates coordinate perception and hybrid extraction

    Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51365017, 6146301), and Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (20192BAB205084)
More Information
  • Aiming at the problems of unbalanced sample distribution and difficulty identification of the lesion area in diabetic retinopathy, we propose a retinal lesions grading algorithm that integrates coordinate perception and hybrid extraction. This algorithm first processes the retinal input image and the Gaussian filtering to enhance the difference between the image lesions and the background of the noise, and then the hybrid dual models composed of the backbone network of Res2Net-50 and Densenet-121 will be enhanced. The image is extracted layer by layer to achieve the full capture of the multi-scale feature texture, then the multi-layer coordinate perception module and the attention characteristics fusion module are integrated at the mixed dual model connection to achieve the purpose of eliminating the characteristics of the lesions and the realization of different lesions. The weight of semantics is reshaped, finally uses the combined loss function to relieve the uneven distribution of samples to further supervise the training and test of the model. This article is experimented on the IDRID and Aptos 2019 data sets, with the secondary weighted coefficients of 88.76% and 90.29%, respectively. Accuracy rates were 81.55% and 84.42%, which provides a new window for the diagnosis of retinopathy grades and intelligent auxiliary diagnosis.
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  • Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a kind of eye disease caused by diabetes. Patients have been in a high blood sugar environment for a long time. It is very easy to damage the retina. If the disease fails to find the disease in time, it is easy to cause blindness. In recent years, with the development of deep learning technology, it has been widely used in DR intelligent grading diagnosis, but there are still deficiencies: there are small lesions such as micromiel tumors, yellow and white hard exudation or a small number of bleeding spots around the retinal images. The differences between the comparison with normal areas are not obvious. The difference between each child class is difficult to distinguish the difficulty of identification. At the same time, due to the impact of the diabetic disease stage and cure, the number of patients in different stages of different lesions is inconsistent. The sample distribution is unbalanced. In order to solve the above problems, this article proposes a hometown lesion classification algorithm that integrates coordinate perception and mixed extraction. This algorithm first conducts pre-processing operations such as IDRID and APTOS 2019 dataset images, Gaussian filtering and other pre-processing to enhance the differences between image lesions and noise background, then a hybrid dual model composed of the backbone network composed of Res2Net-50 and Densenet-121 backbone network extracts the enhanced images layer by layer, realizes the full capture of multi-scale feature texture, and enhances the robustness and generalization of the algorithm, then integrates the multi-layer coordinate perception module and attention characteristics fusion at the connection between the hybrid dual model connection. The module achieves the purpose of eliminating the characteristics of the lesion, realizing the weight of the semantics of different lesions, ensuring that the small lesion area can also obtain sufficient weight, finally using the focus loss function and cross-entropy. The combination loss function composed of the loss function relieves uneven distribution of sample distribution, weakens the accuracy of the hierarchy of the retinal lesions due to the sample, and further monitors the training and test of the model, thereby improving the accuracy of DR grading.

    Experiments on IDRID and APTOS 2019 data sets, the accuracy, secondary weighted coefficients, sensitivity and specificity in IDRID are 81.55%, 88.76%, 94.20%, and 97.05%; The area of the second weighted coefficient, sensitivity and ROC curve was 84.42%, 90.29%, 87.40%, and 93.60%, respectively. The experimental results show that the comparison of the algorithm in this article still has a certain degree of superiority compared with the current mainstream algorithm, which provides a new window for the diagnosis of the hierarchical meta-cooked intelligent auxiliary diagnosis.

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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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