Wu M J, Zhang Y A, Lin S L, et al. Real-time semantic segmentation algorithm based on BiLevelNet[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(5): 240030. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240030
Citation: Wu M J, Zhang Y A, Lin S L, et al. Real-time semantic segmentation algorithm based on BiLevelNet[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(5): 240030. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240030

Real-time semantic segmentation algorithm based on BiLevelNet

    Fund Project: Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2023YFB3609400), Fujian Province Natural Science Foundation of China (2020J01468), and Youth Science Foundation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (62101132)
More Information
  • In response to the problem of the large parameter size of semantic segmentation networks, making it difficult to deploy on memory-constrained edge devices, a lightweight real-time semantic segmentation algorithm is proposed based on BiLevelNet. Firstly, dilated convolutions are employed to augment the receptive field, and feature reuse strategies are integrated to enhance the network's region awareness. Next, a two-stage PBRA (Partial Bi-Level Route Attention) mechanism is incorporated to establish dependencies between distant objects, thereby augmenting the network's global perception capability. Finally, the FADE operator is introduced to combine shallow features to improve the effectiveness of image upsampling. Experimental results show that, at an input image resolution of 512×1024, the proposed network achieves an average Intersection over Union (IoU) of 75.1% on the Cityscapes dataset at a speed of 121 frames per second, with a model size of only 0.7 M. Additionally, at an input image resolution of 360×480, the network achieves an average IoU of 68.2% on the CamVid dataset. Compared with other real-time semantic segmentation methods, this network achieves a balance between speed and accuracy, meeting the real-time requirements for applications like autonomous driving.
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  • In response to the challenge posed by the large parameter sizes of semantic segmentation networks, which complicate deployment on memory-constrained edge devices, a lightweight real-time semantic segmentation algorithm based on BiLevelNet is proposed. Initially, dilated convolutions are utilized to broaden the receptive field, and strategies for reusing features are integrated to bolster the network's awareness of regions. Subsequently, a two-stage PBRA (Partial Bi-Level Route Attention) mechanism is adopted to form connections between distant objects, thereby enhancing the network's capability to perceive global contexts. Moreover, the FADE operator is introduced for merging shallow features, thereby augmenting the efficacy of image upsampling.

    Within the depicted AFR module in Fig. 4, a variety of hierarchical feature maps are presented, along with descriptions of their characteristics and roles. The distinctions and connections between the input feature map, the local feature map achieved through 3×3 depth convolution, and the context information feature map acquired through dilated convolution are clarified. It is further emphasized how these features are effectively amalgamated in the final fused feature map, showcasing strong activation across both local and global contexts. Additionally, a gradually decreasing channel reduction factor is employed, as elaborated in Table 3. Through the gradual adjustment of the channel reduction factor, it is observed that with a reduction factor of r=1/4, the PBRA module enhances mIoU by 1.5% and boosts speed by 12FPS in comparison to BRA.

    Moreover, discontinuities and missing pixels are noted in segmentation results when bilinear interpolation is used for upsampling. Observations of the depth feature maps prior to bilinear upsampling reveal that features corresponding to roads and sidewalks bear similarities, leading to potential misclassifications. To counteract this issue, shallow features that preserve edge information are introduced and merged into the FADE upsampling process, thereby improving edge segmentation. This method effectively addresses the loss of spatial information, resulting in smoother and more defined edge segmentation outcomes.

    Experimental outcomes indicate that, at an input image resolution of 512×1024, the network attains an average Intersection over Union (IoU) of 75.1% on the Cityscapes dataset, operating at a speed of 121 frames per second, while maintaining a modest model size of only 0.7M. Furthermore, at an input image resolution of 360×480, the network secures an average IoU of 68.2% on the CamVid dataset. Compared with other real-time semantic segmentation methods, this network maintains an optimal balance between speed and accuracy, fulfilling the real-time operation requirements for applications such as autonomous driving.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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