Nemati A, Wang Q, Hong M H, Teng J H. Tunable and reconfigurable metasurfaces and metadevices. Opto-Electron Adv 1, 180009 (2018). doi: 10.29026/oea.2018.180009
Citation: Nemati A, Wang Q, Hong M H, Teng J H. Tunable and reconfigurable metasurfaces and metadevices. Opto-Electron Adv 1, 180009 (2018). doi: 10.29026/oea.2018.180009

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Tunable and reconfigurable metasurfaces and metadevices

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  • Metasurfaces, two-dimensional equivalents of metamaterials, are engineered surfaces consisting of deep subwavelength features that have full control of the electromagnetic waves. Metasurfaces are not only being applied to the current devices throughout the electromagnetic spectrum from microwave to optics but also inspiring many new thrilling applications such as programmable on-demand optics and photonics in future. In order to overcome the limits imposed by passive metasurfaces, extensive researches have been put on utilizing different materials and mechanisms to design active metasurfaces. In this paper, we review the recent progress in tunable and reconfigurable metasurfaces and metadevices through the different active materials deployed together with the different control mechanisms including electrical, thermal, optical, mechanical, and magnetic, and provide the perspective for their future development for applications.
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