Citation: | Wang YQ, Zhang JH, Zheng YC, Xu YR, Xu JQ et al. Brillouin scattering spectrum for liquid detection and applications in oceanography. Opto-Electron Adv 6, 220016 (2023). doi: 10.29026/oea.2023.220016 |
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(a) Vector diagram of Brillouin scattering in view of quantum physics with the process of incident photon releasing and absorbing a phonon. (b) Brillouin spectra of water varies as the temperature changes. (c) Principle of the Brillouin spectrum measurement using double edge technique. Two edge filters are set at the steep edge of the Brillouin Stokes spectrum BS(vB, ΓB ), where vB is the Brillouin shift ΓB and is the Brillouin linewidth. For BS, the energies after these two filters are I1(vB, ΓB ) and I2(vB, ΓB). vB and ΓB can be deduced from I1 and I2, and Brillouin spectrum BS can be reconstructed. When the Brillouin spectrum changes to BS′, new energies
Sketch of experimental apparatus. Pulse light of wavelength 532.293 nm with pulse width of approximately 7.5 ns, repetition rate of 100 Hz, and pulse energy of 20 mJ goes through a half waveplate, a polarization beam splitter (PBS), and a quarter-wave plate successively. Then the light is spread by a telescope combined by two convex lenses, L1 (f=0.5 m) and L2 (f = 0.1 m), and yields into a water tank of 1.8 m length and 0.5 m width to produce scattering light. The 180º back scattering light is received by the telescope and reflected by the PBS to an iodine tube which can absorb the Rayleigh part. The scattering light after the iodine tube is split into two by M2. One small fraction beam is detected by the first photomultiplier tube (PMT1) as reference energy. The other part enters to a double-edge filter which is made by two Fabry-Perot interferometers and the light beams after these two interferometers are accepted by PMT2 and PMT3 separately. D is diaphragm, Mi and Li (i=1, 2..) are mirrors and lens, respectively.
Spatially resolved Brillouin backscatter intensity from the water tank at room temperature recorded (a) by PMT1 (c) by PMT2 (e) by PMT3 with 200 successive shots (color lines) and their average (white dots) and the corresponding background noise measured by (b) by PMT1 (d) by PMT2 (f) by PMT3.
Signals after subtracting background noise from the data obtained from three PMTs, Ig, I1 and I2, and the two transmission ratios are plotted (dark yellow). The gray region where the received signals are strong relatively shows the ratios that do not vary a lot.
(a) Theoretical transmission ratios and the calibration of the transmission ratios in different temperatures. (b) Theoretical Brillouin shift and the shift deduced from calibration transmission ratios S1 and S2. (c) The theorical Brillouin linewidth and the linewidth deduced from calibration transmission ratios S1 and S2.
(a) Reconstructed Brillouin spectrum with 200 successive shots (color lines) and their average (white dots). (b) Errors of Brillouin shift and linewidth between the retrieved value and theorical value when the recorded signal averaged from 1 to 500 times for water in 20.4 °C.
Absolute deviation of temperature and salinity between retrieved values and real values at different average numbers for the water in five groups of experiment. Water temperatures of the five groups are 20.4 °C, 22.6 °C, 24.8 °C, 26.6 °C and 28.2 °C, respectively; all the water salinities are 0%. Color lines represent the deviation and the black dots as reference line is the square root of the average number.