2018 Vol. 1, No. 8
Cover Story:Zhou R, Lin S D, Ding Y, Yang H, Ong Y K K et al. Enhancement of laser ablation via interacting spatial double-pulse effect. Opto-Electron Adv 1, 180014 (2018).
Nowadays, laser has become a powerful tool as an excellent alternative to the conventional microprocessing methods. The research group of Professor Rui Zhou and Minghui Hong proposed the original idea and supervised this project. In the last decades, pulsed laser ablation of solids has been deeply studied due to its expanding applications such as film deposition, material processing, cluster and nanostructure production, among others. The double pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy configuration was suggested with the aim of overcoming the sensitivity shortcomings of the conventional single pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy technique.

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