2019 Vol. 2, No. 7
Cover Story:Guo J Y, Wang T, Quan B G, Zhao H, Gu C Z et al. Polarization multiplexing for double images display. Opto-Electron Adv 2, 180029 (2019).
By utilizing multiple parameters of electromagnetic wave simultaneously, the encoding and transmission capacity of information can be effectively improved. Metasurface, a kind of artificial single layer material, provides a possibility to control all parameters of electromagnetic wave using a single device. The joint research group of Prof. Yan Zhang from Capital Normal University, Prof. Changzhi Gu from Institute of Physics, CAS, and Prof. Guohai Situ from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS introduces a single-layer metasurface, which can successfully encodes double images into this structure by simultaneously modulating the amplitude and polarization of incoming light and independently reconstructs two images at perpendicular polarization directions.

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