2021 Vol. 5, No. 3
Opto-Electronic Research Reviews (OER, quarterly), a virtual journal, publishes reviews articles on specific researching areas with high importance and widespread impacts. The reviews are selected from the journals of Opto-Electronic Engineering (OEE) and Opto-Electronic Advances (OEA) . The selected review articles offer in-depth treatment of a research area, surveying recent work and trends and provide introduction and a critical evaluation to newcomers and specialists in other fields.
This issue consists of review articles on Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Luminescent Materials from two journals.

{{article.journalMeta.titleEn}} {{article.year}}, {{article.volume}}({{article.issue}}): {{article.fpage | processPage:article.lpage:6}}. doi: {{article.doi}}{{article.journalMeta.titleEn}} {{article.articleStateNameEn}}, Published online {{article.preferredDate | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}, doi: {{article.doi}}CSTR: {{article.cstr}}
{{article.journalMeta.titleEn}} {{article.year}}, {{article.volume}}({{article.issue}}): {{article.fpage | processPage:article.lpage:6}}. doi: {{article.doi}}{{article.journalMeta.titleEn}} {{article.articleStateNameEn}}, Published online {{article.preferredDate | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}, doi: {{article.doi}}CSTR: {{article.cstr}}