Zheng M J, Du Y L, Huang S T, et al. Incoherent self-interference digital holographic imaging under structured light illumination[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(7): 210451. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210451
Citation: Zheng M J, Du Y L, Huang S T, et al. Incoherent self-interference digital holographic imaging under structured light illumination[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(7): 210451. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210451

Incoherent self-interference digital holographic imaging under structured light illumination

    Fund Project: Natural Science Foundation of Henan Provience of China (18A140032, 15A140038, and 16A140035)
More Information
  • An incoherent digital holographic imaging system based on the Michelson interferometer with structured light illumination is proposed, which uses a spatial light modulator (SLM) to realize horizontal and vertical cosine grating illumination patterns to improve the lateral resolution of the imaging system. Using MATLAB software to carry out simulation imaging and numerical reconstruction, the high-resolution reconstructed image under the system is obtained. It theoretically proves that this method can effectively improve the resolution of the incoherent digital holography system. And build the corresponding incoherent light self-interference digital holographic imaging system. By imaging the USAF1951 resolution target, further verified the applicability of the super-resolution imaging method based on structured light illumination experimentally.
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  • As a super-resolution optical imaging technology, structured light illumination technology carries an object’s high-frequency information into the optical system in the form of moiré fringes through structured illumination, breaking the diffraction limit in traditional optical imaging and improving image resolution. An incoherent self-interference digital holography based on the Michelson interferometer can accurately record an object's phase and intensity information. It has the characteristics of fast real-time, non-contact, non-marking, three-dimensional imaging, etc., and has essential research significance in biomedical imaging and materials science. In this paper, an incoherent digital holographic imaging system based on the Michelson interferometer with structured light illumination is proposed, which uses a spatial light modulator (SLM) to realize horizontal and vertical cosine grating illumination patterns to improve the lateral resolution of the imaging system. Perform simulation and verification experiments in uniform and structured light illumination mode to explore the high-resolution imaging results of the resolution target. We obtained in simulation imagings: First, the resolved minimum element of the resolution target is Group 4 element 3 (20.16 lp/mm) in Figure 3(e) under uniform light illumination. Then, the algorithm is used to modulate the resolution target to realize the structured light illumination mode. The resolved minimum resolution element of the resolution target is Group 5 element 2 (35.92 lp/mm) in Figure 4(c). We get in the verification experiments: First, use the algorithm to generate a mask with a value of 1 on the SLM to adjust the illumination mode to the uniform light illumination mode, and the resolved minimum resolution element of the resolution target is the Group elements 4 (45.25 lp/mm) in Figure 5(e). Using another algorithm to load cosine gratings of 20 lp/mm and 40 lp/mm on the SLM to adjust the illumination mode to structured light illumination mode, the resolved minimum element of the resolution target is Group 6 element 1 (64 lp/mm) and Group 6 element 4 (90.51 lp/mm) in Figure 6(a1) and Figure 6(b1). The applicability of the super-resolution imaging method based on the structured light illumination to the incoherent light self-interference digital holographic imaging system based on the Michelson interferometer is verified from the level of simulation imaging and experiments, and the resolution of the imaging system is improved. In the future, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the system performance, optimize the system structure, study more effective numerical algorithms, and realize super-resolution imaging, dynamic imaging, color imaging, etc., to obtain more excellent development space.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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