Guo Y X, Liang K, Xu Y R, et al. Multiple environmental elements laser remote sensing method based on direct scattering spectrum[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(3): 240003. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240003
Citation: Guo Y X, Liang K, Xu Y R, et al. Multiple environmental elements laser remote sensing method based on direct scattering spectrum[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(3): 240003. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240003

Multiple environmental elements laser remote sensing method based on direct scattering spectrum

    Fund Project: Project supported by Pre-research Project on Civil Aerospace Technologies (D040107)
More Information
  • LiDAR plays an important role in the remote sensing of environmental elements due to its active emission, high detection accuracy, good real-time performance, and high spatial and temporal resolution. Based on the coupling relationship between the scattering spectrum and the medium environment, the direct scattering spectrum LiDAR can invert the multiple environment elements by directly measuring the energy dimension and the spectral dimension multi-feature information such as energy, frequency shift, linewidth, etc. In this paper, the recent advances in spectrum characteristics research and spectrum detection techniques of direct scattering spectrum LiDAR are briefly summarized. The detection theory and inversion models of underwater and atmospheric direct scattering spectrum are mainly introduced, as well as the existing measurement methods of direct scattering spectrum.
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  • Classical LiDAR based on energy detection was the first to be developed for environmental element detection, employing the lidar equation for the inversion of environmental parameters. In order to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of the return signal and achieve accurate parameter inversion, high spectral resolution lidar(HSRL) has been identified as a viable approach. Both energy-detection-based lidar and HSRL utilized energy dimension information for remote sensing of environmental elements. However, the information captured solely in the energy dimension is limited. Environmental information is not only manifested in the energy dimension but also in the spectral dimension. Since the environmental information is not only manifested in the energy dimension but also in the spectral dimension, the characteristic information of the scattering spectrum, such as spectral energy, spectral line width, and spectral frequency shift, plays a very important role in the detection of multiple environmental elements. Based on the coupling relationship between the scattering spectral characteristic information and the medium environment, the inversion of multi-environmental elements can be directly carried out. By directly coupling the characteristic information of scattering spectra with the medium's environment parameters, direct scattering spectral lidar (DSSL) can realize the inversion of multiple environmental parameters. DSSL exhibits significant advantages in the detection of multiple environmental elements. However, with the demand for more detailed spectral information, the detection requirements of DSSL have also increased and primarily displayed in two aspects: 1) Spectral characteristic research: Utilizing spectral characteristic information for the detection of multiple environmental elements necessitates in-depth research on the relationship between underwater temperature, salinity, atmospheric temperature, pressure, and other environmental parameters with scattering spectra. This includes a thorough investigation of the spectral characteristics of direct scattering under various temperature, salinity, or pressure conditions, and the establishment of inversion models for multiple environmental elements based on the coupling relationship between direct scattering spectrum and environmental parameters. 2) Spectrum detection methods: As DSSL directly utilizes spectral dimension characteristic information, it places higher demands on the precise detection of scattering spectra. During spectral detection, attention should be paid to the system's sensitivity and accuracy, while considering real-time measurement continuity, vertical profile measurement, and the integrity of spectral detection. Acquiring more accurate scattering spectra is necessary to enhance the accuracy of the final detection results for multiple environmental elements. In this paper, we focus on the development of the inversion theory and various spectral detection methods for direct scattering spectral detection in underwater and atmospheric environments, providing an outlook on its future development.

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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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