Xu C, Jin K, Wei K. Research progress of synthetic aperture ladar techniques[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(3): 240007. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240007
Citation: Xu C, Jin K, Wei K. Research progress of synthetic aperture ladar techniques[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(3): 240007. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240007

Research progress of synthetic aperture ladar techniques

More Information
  • Synthetic aperture ladar is an advanced active optical imaging technology that overcomes the diffraction limit of the traditional optical system. This technology is inspired by the working principles of synthetic aperture radar in the microwave band. Compared with synthetic aperture radar, synthetic aperture ladar has several advantages such as fast imaging speed, high resolution, and its images being similar to what the eye is used to seeing, thanks to its operation wavelength, which makes synthetic aperture ladar potentially valuable. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the progress made in key technologies related to synthetic aperture ladar, including its system model and basic theory, system design and structures, laser phase noise suppression technology, motion compensation technologies, and imaging algorithms. Furthermore, some important outdoor experiments at home and abroad were summarized. At last, the difficulties and challenges for the subsequent implementation of engineering were discussed.
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  • Ladar is an active sensing technology employing laser for detecting, measuring and imaging. According to the detection modes, ladars are usually divided into two types: non-coherent ladar and coherent ladar. Coherent ladar employing heterodyne detection can provide more information, such as frequency shift and phase. This combination of features enables multi-functional, high-precision, and operationally important detection and sensing applications.

    Synthetic aperture ladar (SAL) is a special type of coherent ladar whose principle is similar to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) operating in the microwave band. It utilizes a wideband modulated signal to obtain a high axial resolution, which is called range resolution. In another dimension called cross-range direction or azimuth direction, the moving ladar platform transmits and receives a series of coherent pulses, and then these pulses are coherently accumulated to achieve an equivalent large aperture. Thus, its resolution is independent of the optical aperture. Compared with SAR, it has higher imaging speed and higher imaging resolution. It can obtain images similar to what the human is used to seeing, thanks to the operation wavelength of SAL. These characteristics make SAL become a potentially valuable technology in the field of remote sensing and object identification.

    Although SAL is a kind of coherent ladar, it has higher coherence requirements than other systems, which makes SAL face many technical problems like atmosphere disturbance, laser phase noise, motion errors, etc. To address these issues, considerable efforts have been undertaken by a wide array of research professionals and collaborative teams across the field. The main goal of this paper is to provide a review of the progress of these efforts and point out the challenges faced in future development. First, this paper will briefly introduce the working principle of SAL. The second part introduces the research progress of the key technologies in the field of SAL. These key technologies include the system model and basic theoretical problems, system design and architecture, laser phase noise suppression technology, motion error compensation method, and imaging algorithms. The third part reviews the progress of the outdoor experiments at home and abroad. Outdoor experiment is an important step before practical application, which is able to reveal the defects and deficiencies of the system in the real environment. Finally, we summarized the challenges that prevent SAL systems from becoming practical and provided some future directions.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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