Citation: | Chu CY, Liu ZT, Chen ML, Shao XH, Situ GH et al. Wide-spectrum optical synthetic aperture imaging via spatial intensity interferometry. Opto-Electron Adv 6, 230017 (2023). doi: 10.29026/oea.2023.230017 |
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Supplementary information for Wide-spectrum optical synthetic aperture imaging via spatial intensity interferometry |
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Schematic of wide-spectrum optical synthetic aperture imaging via spatial intensity interferometry.
(a) Traditional optical synthetic aperture system. (b) Schematic of wide-spectrum optical synthetic aperture imaging via spatial intensity interferometry.
(a) Schematic diagram of the simulation structure. (b) Structure of sub-aperture SRPMs array. (c) Optical path structure of the experiment.
Simulation and experimental results. The spectral widths of the filters were 532 ± 0.5 nm. (a1–c1) Targets. (2–4) Simulation results. (5–7) Experimental results. In the experiment, the exposure times of CCD were 1.2 s, 0.75 s, 0.5 s, and the gains of CCD were 30 dB, 30 dB, 28 dB, respectively. (2, 5) Spatial intensity autocorrelation of CCD. (3, 6) Reconstruction of target image using phase retrieval algorithms. (4, 7) One-dimensional normalized date of double slits reconstruction image. The blue lines indicate half of the maximum value.
Simulation and experimental results of wide-spectrum optical synthetic aperture imaging via spatial intensity interferometry. (a–e) The spectral ranges of the filters were 532 ±5 nm, ±10 nm, ±15 nm, ±25 nm, ±50 nm, respectively. (1–3) Simulation results. (4–6) Experimental results. The sampling exposure times of CCD were 250 ms, and the gains of CCD were 9 dB, 16 dB, 23 dB, 25 dB, 30 dB, respectively. (1, 4) The detected image by CCD. (2, 5) Reconstruction of target image using phase retrieval algorithms. (3, 6) One-dimensional normalized date of double slits reconstruction image. The blue lines indicate half of the maximum value.
Experimental results of different sub-aperture SRPMS arrays. (a) Different sparse array structures. (b) Spatial intensity autocorrelation of different sparse array structures. (c1–c4) Reconstruction of ′s′ image using phase retrieval algorithms by different sparse array structures. (d1–d4) Reconstruction of double-slit image using phase retrieval algorithms by different sparse array structures. (5) Target letter ′s′ and double-slit, whose sizes were 2.0 mm and 0.98 mm, respectively.