2019 Vol. 2, No. 12
Cover Story:Ye Y Y, Liu Z, Chen T P. Toward transparent projection display: recent progress in frequency-selective scattering of RGB light based on metallic nanoparticle’s localized surface plasmon resonance. Opto-Electron Adv 2, 190020 (2019).
A transparent display simultaneously enables visualization of the images displayed on it as well as the view behind it, and therefore can be applied to, for instance, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and head up display (HUD). To form a colorful image, only Red, Green and Blue (RGB) light, which correspond to the wavelength ranges of 440 - 460 nm, 510 - 530 nm and 620 - 700 nm, respectively, are needed. Therefore, if a screen scatters RGB light from a projector, a colorful real image is formed on the screen. At the meantime, if visible light of other colors (or wavelengths) transmits through the screen, it is a transparent projection display. The research group of Prof. Tupei Chen from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, presents a review on recent progress of frequency-selective scattering of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) light based on metallic nanoparticle's LSPR effect. The approach is a promising solution to realize transparent projection display.

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