2017 Vol. 44, No. 2
Special Issue: Modern plasmonics
In this issue, the topic is chosen to be plasmonics, which studies the photon-electron coupling in optical nanostructured materials. According to the electromagnetic field theory, the surface plasmon polariton (SPP) can be seen as a surface electromagnetic wave induced at the interface between metal and dielectric, which propagates along the surface and decays exponentially in the direction perpendicular to the surface. The history of plasmonics dates back to the ancient Rome. Since the end of the 19th century, several prominent physicists, including Sommerfeld, Rayleigh, Fano, Ritchie, Kretschmann, Otto et al. have paid great attentions on the research of plasmonics. In 1998, Ebbesen discovered the extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) phenomenon of electromagnetic waves in subwavelength holes, and presumed that the physical origin is associated with the SPP in the structures. EOT means that the diffraction limit for classical optics can be broken. Therefore, the research on plasmonics becomes a hotspot of modern physics. Due to its importance, the work of Ebbesen was treated as the beginning of modern plasmonics, and was regarded as one of the 23 milestones on the history of photon by Nature Milestones.

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{{article.year}}, {{article.volume}}({{article.issue}}): {{article.fpage | processPage:article.lpage:6}}. doi: {{article.doi}}{{article.articleStateNameEn}}, Published online {{article.preferredDate | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}, doi: {{article.doi}}{{article.articleStateNameEn}}, Accepted Date {{article.acceptedDate | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}CSTR: {{article.cstr}}