2017 Vol. 44, No. 3

Special Issue: Metasurface

Subwavelength electromagnetics, whose main research content includes metamamterials, plasmonics, and photonic crystal etc., has become a main direction of modern optics and electromagnetics. Recent results in metamaterials and plasmonics have greatly promoted the progress in metasurface, which can be regarded as two dimensional metamaterial. By manipulating the amplitude, phase and polarization of electromagnetic waves, metasurface has the ability to break the limit of traditional electromagnetic laws and to guide the design of novel planar electromagnetic and optical devices. Compared to three dimensional bulk metamaterials, the two dimensional structure of metasurface brings obvious advantages in reducing the insertion loss and releasing the fabrication difficulty. In recent years, the fundamental theories, techniques and applications of metasurface have attracted enormous interests, and the continuously appearing metasurface devices efficiently decrease the volume and weight of traditional optical systems and thus increase the integration degree. In 2016, the planar optical lens based on metasurface has been elected as one of the top ten annual scientific breakthroughs by Science. The review articles and research articles in this issue mainly focus on the recent progress of metasurface. The first review article introduces the phase manipulation characteristics of metasurface and its corresponding applications, such as planar lenses, three dimensional multi-color hologram, and optical vortex generators etc. The second review article about the advances in hyperbolic metasurface outlines the theory, implementation and applications of metasurface with hyperbolic dispersion. The third review article focuses on the mechanism and applications of plasmonic metasurface in the manipulation of free space light and localized fields. The fourth review article looks back on the recent research results of nonlinear optical effect for photonic crystals. The research articles present the novel manipulation methods and devices of metasurface, including the method of breaking the spin-orbit interaction symmetry of photon, and the corresponding high efficiency metasurface devices. Besides, the research progresses of metasurface on super-diffraction imaging, polarization conversion, actively tuning of reflection etc. have been reported in this issue.


2025 Vol. 52, No. 2

ISSN (Print) 1003-501X
ISSN (Online) 2097-4019
CN 51-1346/O4
Prof. Xiangang Luo
Executive Editor-in-Chief: