2020 Vol. 47, No. 5
Special Issue: Terahertz Imaging Technology
Invited expert: Professor Zhang Yan (Capital Normal University), Professor Wang Dayong (Beijing University of Technology), Professor Zhu Liguo (China Academy of Engineering Physics) Terahertz (THz) radiation is an electromagnetic wave whose frequency is in the range of 0.1 THz~30 THz. THz waves have a good transmissivity through non-polar materials, and have no ionization effects on biomedical tissues. Therefore, it is ideal for the applications such as non-destructive testing and biomedical imaging, semiconductor characterization and so on. With the development of the technology of terahertz source and detector, researchers have introduced all kinds of methods to enhance the performance of this imaging technique. Terahertz imaging technology has been tried to apply into various industrial and fundamental research fields. This Special Issus mainly introduces the development and future of terahertz imaging technology from method and application. It is hoped that the special issue entitled “terahertz imaging technology” can show innovative terahertz imaging key technologies and the development trends in the future by the reviews. Meanwhile by sharing the application achievements, the researches of related terahertz imaging method and application are encouraged. Furthermore, we hope to further promote the upgrading of terahertz imaging technology, so that it can better serve the human production and life.

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