2020 Vol. 47, No. 6
Cover Story:Nie F S, Jiang M L, Zhang M S, et al. Orbital angular momentum Talbot array illuminator based on detour phase encoding[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2020, 47(6): 200093
At present, OAM beams could be generated by several methods. However, most of those approaches focus solely on single OAM beam generation, which now can’t meet the needs of producing multi-focus array light field. A new illuminating device, which is capable of generating periodic array of focused OAM beam, is proposed and devised for this issue by Prof. Li Xiangping and Prof. Cao Yaoyu from the Nanophotonic Devices research group, Jinan University. The phase distribution of the device consists of two components: the focusing phase distribution and the spiral vortex phase distribution.

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{{article.year}}, {{article.volume}}({{article.issue}}): {{article.fpage | processPage:article.lpage:6}}. doi: {{article.doi}}{{article.articleStateNameEn}}, Published online {{article.preferredDate | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}, doi: {{article.doi}}{{article.articleStateNameEn}}, Accepted Date {{article.acceptedDate | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}CSTR: {{article.cstr}}