2023 Vol. 50, No. 4

Cover story: Peng Y F, He J K, Huang X P, et al. Ultra-precision grinding and polishing processing technology research and equipment development[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(4): 220097

Under the opportunity of "Made in China 2025", in the field of ultra-precision, China has broken through many key bottleneck technologies, achieved many remarkable scientific research results, built a number of high-level ultra-precision processing technology innovation platforms, talent growth platforms and application demonstration bases, and created an independent ultra-precision industry in China. This paper mainly introduces the research progress of optical ultra-precision processing technology and equipment in the Precision Engineering Laboratory of Xiamen University. Focusing on the grinding and polishing processing of large-diameter optical aspherical components, the processing technology, grinding and polishing equipment, equipment monitoring and control software and related unit technologies developed by the group are described. These research results can provide manufacturing and processing technology support and equipment solutions for the ultra-precision processing of high-end optical components.


2024 Vol. 51, No. 5

ISSN (Print) 1003-501X
ISSN (Online) 2097-4019
CN 51-1346/O4
Prof. Xiangang Luo
Executive Editor-in-Chief: